Cookies policy

Ediciones de Arte y Bibliofilia S.A. informs about the use of cookies on its website:

What are cookies?

Cookies are files that can be downloaded to your computer through web pages. They are tools that play an essential role in the provision of numerous information society services. Among others, they allow a web page to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information obtained, they can be used to recognize the user and improve the service offered.

What type of cookies do the Ediciones de Arte y Bibliofilia, S.A. websites use?

The cookies used by are anonymous and do not refer to the contracting party’s personal data, nor can the data that the contracting party may have on their hard drive be accessed through them in any case.

The identity of the contracting party is never inserted directly into the cookie and therefore it is not able to be intercepted.

The only non-anonymous cookies, that is, those that allow identification, can only be assigned with the prior authorization of the contracting party when they wish to have immediate identification to access restricted areas of the website without the contracting party manually inserting their passwords.

Own cookies

The following cookies are those used by to facilitate navigation through the website and to offer services such as downloading pdf catalogues, purchasing through the online store and increasing the speed of navigation through the page.

Type of cookieInformationWhat it is for?
SessionSession identifierThey serve to save data that facilitate the user’s navigation through the page. Expires when the browser is closed or the session expires  
TechniqueShopping basket identifierAllows you to manage the information of the shopping basket and the purchase process. This cookie expires in 30 days
TechniqueSaved accessed pagesIt serves to reduce the loading times of the web page. Expires when the browser is closed or the session expires
SessionRegistration identifier for PDF downloadsIt is used to know if the user has registered to download PDFs from the web and not ask them to register again. Expires after 60 days

Third Party Cookies

Type of cookieInformationWhat it is for
AnalysisGoogle Analytics Advertising Features*They are used to obtain statistical browsing data and thus adapt the website to the needs of customers

The use of content related to social networks such as Facebook «Like» buttons entails the use of cookies that link to those pages, storing information only on them.

*If you wish to prevent the use of your data by the Google Analytics service, a browser add-on is provided that allows you to disable the service:

How to disable cookies?

In any case, if the contracting party wishes that these cookies are not installed, they have the possibility of configuring their browser to deactivate them. We do not recommend deactivation since your experience browsing the page will be altered.

To disable cookies, we provide the following links depending on the browser you use:

  • Firefox from here:
  • Chrome from here:
  • Explorer from here:
  • Safari from here:
  • Opera from here: